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DAPL protest costs estimated at $22.3 million

Courtesy Morton County Sheriff's Department

The Morton County Sheriff’s Office estimates $22.3 million has been spent so far in dealing with the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.

In a statement, the office says it has been more than 150 days of response, adding up to more that 181-thousand hours. 91 in-state agencies have lent their support, along with 33 out of state agencies.

556 protestor have been arrested – more than 94 percent of them from out-of-state.

The state Supreme Court has estimated more than 400 jury trials for the protestors – and it has asked for a $1.5 million deficiency appropriation to handle that caseload.

Here is the statement:

BISMARCK, ND – A snapshot of resources and costs diverted from normal operations to support State

and Local response to ensure public safety and law and order in Morton County and the Bismarck region

due to protest events and related illegal activity since August 10, 2016.

Days of Response Support (since August 10, 2016) 153

Hours of Response Support (as of January 9, 2017) 181,232

State and Local Cost to Taxpayers (estimated as of Jan 4, 2017) $22.3 M

In State Agencies Providing Support 91

States Providing Support 1 9

Out of State Agencies Providing Support 33

Number of Arrests 581

Number of Protesters Arrested 556

Percent of Arrestees from Out of State 94.5%

Number of Arrestees with Prior Criminal Records 2 182

Number of Arrestees with History of Violence 3 25

Number of livestock killed/missing, injured 4 (as of Jan 6, 2016) 10 / 32

Number of poaching investigations tied to protest area 5 3

Number of abandoned cars/structures on protest camp (estimated) 6 50 - 75

1. Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Wyoming

2. Total of 1062 previous citations and charges for illegal activity (as of Jan 3, 2016).

3. Includes domestic violence and child abuse.

4. ND Stockmen’s Association. 1 bull, 2 horses, 3 bison, 4 cows killed. 30 missing cows and calves,

2 injured cows.

5. ND State Game and Fish Department

6. ND Department of Emergency Services

Sources: North Dakota Department of Emergency Services, ND State Game and Fish Department,

Morton County Sheriff’s Department, ND Stockmen’s Association

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