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Harpist Yolanda Kondonassis ~ Sue Balcom on Fall Soups

Thursday, November 8 – Yolanda Kondonassis is is the best-known harpist in the world, and she’ll be the featured with the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra in performances this weekend as part of the Masterworks Series at NDSU. Also joining us is symphony executive director Linda Boyd. ~~~ Commentary from Jamestown’s Bruce Berg. Today he shares some thoughts about Tolstoy, the great Russian writer. ~~~ Last week we heard about the challenges of farmland transfers. But who will take over for the retiring farmer? Today, we hear from Iowa’s Poet Laureate, Mary Swander, on the issue of farm succession as she visits with Kayte Young for Harvest Public Media. ~~~ In another episode of Main Street Eats with Root Seller Sue Balcom, we discuss fall veggie soups. ~~~ Doug and Ashley have our What’s Happening calendar of events.