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Joe Wiegand, Theodore Roosevelt reprisor

Actor and historian Joe Wiegand has performed as President Theodore Roosevelt in all 50 states. Now living in Medora, North Dakota, Joe works for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, and performs frequently for the guests and tourists in Medora and Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

Joe is also featured in every episode of The Great American Folk Show, with his segment "Notes from the Badlands." 

Watch Joe's portrayal of Theodore Roosevelt below. Then, compare it with the audio and video recordings below of the Theodore Roosevelt.

Joe Wiegand portraying Theodore Roosevelt at the White House in 2008:

Theodore Roosevelt speaking at Sagamore Hill in 1916-1918:


Hear audio of Theodore Roosevelt speaking in August 1912. Listen >


Hear more from Joe Wiegand on Sunday, July 4, at 5pm CT in the new episode The Great American Folk Show. Find it online anytime after the broadcast.

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