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BSC Health Science Building to be named after former President Thigpen

The Board of Higher Education has approved naming the Bismarck State College Health Science Building after former BSC President Donna Thigpen.

But the vote wasn’t unanimous.

Thigpen served as BSC’s President from 1995 to 2006.

The Board’s Budget and Finance Committee approved the name, and forwarded the recommendation to the full Board. But since the Committee advanced that proposal, Board members said they had received some opposition to it. And Board member Kathleen Neset wanted to table the issue, pending further review.

"There has been additional discussion outside of this meeting from interested parties that have been brought to my attention," Neset said. "Perhaps we should just get a little bit more information on this, and not vote on this at this point."

Neset did not elaborate on those concerns at the meeting.

But Board member Tim Mihalick, who chairs the Budget and Finance Committee, said although he received some concerns, he did his own research.

"I went back to the 75th anniversary edition of the 'Connections' magazine, to draw the information to make my decision," Mihalick said. "It talked about her leadership, regarding the National Energy Center, and raising and leading a capital campaign that was successful."

Neset moved to table the matter, but no one seconded that motion, so it failed. Then the Board voted 5 to 1 to rename the building. Neset was the “no” vote.