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One Basin-One Way program launches standardized safety training

Dave Thompson
Prairie Public

It’s called “One Basin-One Way.”

It’s a standardized contractor safety program.

The program allows workers in the oil industry to go through safety training just once, instead of having to repeat the training if they change jobs in the industry.

It was developed by the North Dakota Petroleum Council. Training will be provided by the North Dakota Safety Council, TrainND Northwest and Diamond B – and companies that work in North Dakota oil fields have signed on it.

""One Basin-One Way is about streamlining the safety process," said Hess Corporation North Dakota General Manager Brent Lohnes. "It gives us just another way to insure our employees and our contractors receive the best training that we can possibly provide them. And they're given it once."

Lohnes said it will improve workforce efficiencies.

"Everyone that's trained through 'One Basin-One Way' can now work on a Hess location and a Hess facility," Lohnes said.

Gov. Doug Burgum said it was "fantastic" to see companies -- some of which are major competitors -- work together on the concept of delivering safety training. He said this should improve productivity, and improve safety.

"It's just another way that makes North Dakota special," Burgum said.

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