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Senate approves measure declaring the ERA expired in 1979

The state Senate has passed a resolution declaring the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by the 1975 Legislature expired in 1979.

This comes as some states have recently ratified the ERA. The original amendment was passed in 1972 – and it takes a two thirds vote of the states to approve it.

Sen. Janne Myrdal (R-Edinburg) – a co-sponsor of the resolution – told the Senate the reason there’s renewed interest in passing the ERA is abortion.

"We are trying to drop into the Constitution of the United States this language of this amendment, and construing that it means a right to abortion," Myrdal argued.

Sen. Judy Lee (R-West Fargo) told the Senate the resolution is a "sharp stick in the eye" of those who have worked to make laws more fair for men and women.

"It is an insult to the men and women who have made sure that inheritance, employment, educational and financial decisions, and many other areas of life, are equal to all individuals," Lee said.

A verification vote was taken – and the measure passed. It will now be considered by the House.

The resolution is SCR 4010.

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