The North Dakota House will be looking at three separate bills dealing with income tax reductions.
The three are coming out of the House Finance and Taxation Committee.
"One of them would provide a flat rate of 1.5 percent, with a zero bracket for the first $47,000 of income for a single filer, and around $75,000 for a couple married and filing jointly," said Finance and Tax chairman Rep. Craig Headland (R-Montpelier.
Headland said a second bill will have a slightly-higher flat tax rate of 1.99 percent.
"It provides a credit upfront of $800 per individual filer, and $1600 for a married couple filing jointly," Headland said.
Headland called the third bill a “path to zero."
"In times of prosperity, the revenue is 10 percent more than what was forecast, it would trigger a one-half percent reduction in the marginal rate or rates, depending on where we end up," Headland said.
Headland said he’s a big supporter of income tax reductions – because it covers more people. But he did say there is probably room for both income and property tax relief.