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Goering: Farm bill highly unlikely in an election year

North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said there’s very little chance a farm bill will get passed in this election year.

Congress had to pass an extension of the current farm bill – and Goehring said there is work being done behind the scenes to craft farm legislation. But he said he’s concerned the bill could be loaded with some side political issues, such as climate change initiatives.

"That's where it's created the real rub within the ag community," Goehring said in an interview. "That's also with a part of Congress."

Goehring said he isn't sure those initiatives suit the purpose of food security.

"We lose track of what we're supposed to be doing, which is continuing to make sure there is affordable, abundant and nutritious food, available for the citizens of this country," Goehring said. "It also provides economic value, in driving an economy by having a surplus."

"It has caused some real heartburn," Goehring said.

North Dakota's Congressional delegation has said talks continue on coming up with a new farm bill.

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