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Snowfall continues, blowing and drifting to come later today

National Weather Service, Grand Forks

The winter storm warning expires at 6pm CST.

A winter storm warning continues for the Devils Lake Basin area down through the southern and central Red River Valley.

Blake Rafferty is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Grand Forks. As predicted, he says the winds are picking up.

"The back edge is right out kind of by Devils Lake - running through the Devils Lake Basin. There's one heavier burst that will push through the earlier afternoon hours in the Central and Southern Red River Valley. Otherwise, winds are on the increase back behind the low pressure system, bringing down a little bit of cooler air down from Canada. Winds have increased from Devils Lake back into Bismarck and Jamestown, and that will continue into the afternoon. Areas of blowing and drifting snow are expected until early this evening."

Rafferty says the winter storm warning will be in effect until 6pm. He says blowing and drifting snow could still have impacts, but should taper off as the evening progresses.

He says for anyone traveling today – keep an eye on road and traffic reports, and pack a winter survival kit in your vehicle. He says beyond today – nicer weather will return by Christmas.