A Fargo lawmaker has introduced a bill to grant $1.1 million to the Fargo Theater.
"It is an icon in Fargo, downtown," said Rep. Karla Rose Hanson (D-Fargo). She said the Theater will be celebrating its 100th birthday, in about a year.
"We'll be raising some money to help improve the facility, improve the equipment for movies and live events," Hanson said.
The state grant will be used for a dollar-for-dollar match.
"We want to preserve everything about it that makes it special," said Theater executive director Emily Beck. "She's 100, and she needs a little bit of love."
Beck said there are a number of projects, to help refresh it.
"It's to take us into the present with technology," Beck said. "It's time to make some improvements."
The Fargo Theater is on the National Register of Historic Places.