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Fargo lawmaker proposes 'Grand Ranch'

You’ve heard of Grand Skies and Grand Farm.

But Grand Ranch?

Sen. Tim Mathern (D-Fargo) has introduced a measure to study the possibility of a carbon-focused grasslands research center.

"I believe that we are losing grasslands — grasslands that are an important resource to our state," Mathern said. "To stop that loss, we have to figure out how ranchers can monetize, get money, for keeping their grasslands in-place."

So – how could it be monetized? Mathern said grasslands could be a place to store carbon dioxide in the soil.

"And Grand Ranch would essentially be a location around which we could do that research,' Mathern said. "And we would educate ranchers as to their potential to make their grasslands more important, bringing in income and helping our environment at the same time."

Mathern’s bill would appropriate $49,500 for the study. It's SB 2246.

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