The House has rejected a measure that would have changed how candidates get on the ballot.
HB 1446 would have eliminated the option of a candidate getting on the ballot solely by party endorsement. Instead, candidates would have to gather signatures from voters.
The sponsor— Rep. Mike Nathe (R-Bismarck) – said he introduced the bill after issues in local district conventions and the state GOP convention last year.
"The process used to work," Nathe said during debate on the bill. "We used to get candidates, bring people in and have an open forum. But the process now has been destroyed. Now we are having districts pushing people away because they don't meet some litmus test. We've all read about the fights and the yelling and screaming, and having to have police there. Don't kid yourself — that's by design in some of these districts, to keep people away. This is not bringing people into the process— this is pushing people away from the process."
But the measure’s opponents argued the convention endorsements are important.
"I really appreciate District 37, which takes it very seriously," said Rep. Vicky Steiner (R-Dickinson), who represents District 37. "We have a membership form. We know our people, we vet our candidates, and it's very important to me that it is known that the person (candidate) is Republican and follows the principles of the Republican Party."
Steiner said let the state party work out the problems with the districts.
"It isn't perfect," Steiner said. "But this bill is not the solution."
The measure failed — 38 supported it, 52 did not.