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Tapping the Common Schools Trust Fund for school construction funding

The North Dakota House Education Committee has given a “do-pass” to a state Constitutional amendment, that would take up to $300 million per year out of the Common Schools Trust Fund for school construction.

The amendment is HCR 3035. It was authored by Rep. Eric Murphy (R-Grand Forks).

Supporters said schools in rural areas, especially, are in need of replacement.

"My concern is, that we live in junk, but have money in the fund," said Rep. Patrick Hatelstad (R-Williston), a member of the House Education Committee. "So you have a savings account, but your buildings are falling down. There's a problem."

Opponents say this will take away from the per-pupil payments that support every student. And the committee chairman – Rep. Pat Heinert (R-Bismarck) – said there is no formula for how the money will be doled out for construction projects.

"This is not the right avenue, in my mind, to take the money out of the Common Schools Trust Fund," Heinert said. "I think it does affect, in the future, how much money we will be giving to student aid. I think it does, because if we have less in the fund, we cannot make those increases."

The committee vote was 9 to 5. The House Appropriations Committee will now look at the amendment. If the Legislature passes it, it will be on the ballot in 2026.

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