Thursday, July 16, 2020 - With US-China tensions running high, we hear a lot about state-sponsored theft of intellectual property. How pervasive a problem is it? How does such theft occur? And are North Dakota businesses taking precautions? We visit with Jeremy Straub, assistant professor of computer science at NDSU. ~~~ A former Bismarck resident was featured on NPR Tuesday, in a segment called “Black Voices on Racism.” Now living in California, Rochelle Williams, 59, talks about some of the ways racism has affected her, and how she explains the gravity of those experiences to those who don’t get it. ~~~ Two counties in North Dakota coal country have blocked the construction of wind farms. Joining us to discuss the tensions between coal advocates and those pushing for wind is Hazen mayor Jerry Obenauer. ~~~ Sue Balcom is here for “Main Street Eats.” Her topic today is cucumber pollination.
Jeremy Straub on Intellectual Property Theft ~ Wind vs. Coal Tensions ~ Sue Balcom