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Todd Melby on "Fargo" ~ Donna Kaz: "Songs for a New World"

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - Todd Melby is the author of the new book, “A Lot Can Happen in the Middle of Nowhere” -- stories about the making of the movie “Fargo.” That movie is now 25 years old. Prairie Public is hosting a Zoom event with Melby this Sunday. ~~~ In this week’s Natural North Dakota, biologist Chuck Lura discusses rabbits and hares. ~~~Donna Kaz is a writer, director, choreographer and activist, who leads the theatre troupe, “Guerrilla Girls on Tour.” She’s teaching, directing and choreographing "Songs For a New World" at Concordia College, which opens tomorrow, the 18th. She joins us to talk about the production,and about theatre in the time of COVID.

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