Austin Horn
Austin Horn is a 2019-2020 Kroc Fellow. He joined NPR after internships at the San Antonio Express-News and Frankfort State-Journal, as well as a couple stints in the service industry. He aims to keep his reporting grounded in the experience of real individuals of all stripes.
He graduated from Columbia University in 2019 with a degree in American Studies. You can find him tweeting about basketball, music or his home state of Kentucky at @_AustinHorn.
On Sunday, the state saw 853 hospitalizations because of the coronavirus, which was the lowest since March 18. Also, only 391 people tested positive of more than 46,000 people tested that day.
The college deans say they recognize that students and their families may be struggling right now. They say students will not be disadvantaged by not participating in extracurricular activities.
The meeting was scheduled for July 17, which was the day Fredriksen was supposed to get married. It will be the first time EU leaders convene in person since the start of the pandemic.
Churchill Downs, the racing venue, said it worked with health officials to develop a plan that would allow the race to take place amid concerns over the coronavirus pandemic.
The race, which is the world's largest marathon, has attracted more than 50,000 runners and thousands of volunteers. Spectators line the route, which goes through all five boroughs of the city.
Kimmel had previously used blackface in impressions of Black celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Karl Malone in The Man Show, a Comedy Central series in which he co-starred.
Djokovic, the world's No. 1-ranked men's tennis player, has previously voiced concerns about the possibility of restrictions at future tennis events due to the coronavirus.
The company says it's the first U.S. airline to do so since February after flights were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. The flights will run from Seattle to Shanghai via Seoul, South Korea.
"The world is in a new and dangerous phase," WHO's director-general says. "Many people are understandably fed up with being at home ... but the virus is still spreading fast."
Juneteenth commemorates the effective end of slavery in the United States. Now, New York City will officially observe Juneteenth as an official city and school holiday starting next year.