Wednesday, September 1, 2001 - Rabbi Jeff and Mindy Glickman modeled the power of giving when they traveled the United States in Seymour, the RV. A month and 12,000 miles later, they have returned with a better understanding of the distinct needs of many local communities. Tour To The Wonderful, phase 2 is the giving part of the tour. The Glickman's are becoming members of many congregations and donating to many community organizations, including a surprise $10,000 matching grant for Prairie Public! ~~~ Whether you’ve lived in North Dakota all your life, or only for a spell, chances are you recognize the voice of Prairie Public’s Morning Edition anchor, Dave Thompson. He’s been a part of Prairie Public’s radio presence ever since the first day of broadcasting 40 years ago. And as we celebrate that during this one-day member drive, we share a profile of Dave, prepared by our operations director, Erik Deatherage.
Rabbi Jeff and Mindy Glickman ~ A Profile of Dave Thompson