Dr. Thomas Krumel, Assistant Professor in the department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at NDSU, writes that working conditions in meatpacking plants contributed to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and that impacted the community. Also, he explores whether PPP loans had a positive impact on the craft brewing industry. ~~~ Dickinson State University has announced the addition of Fire Science to its degree program offerings. The program’s development began in 2020 when the University was approached by the Dickinson Fire Department with a desire to build a local program and attract individuals into the field – serving a critical role in the community. Dickinson State University’s Dean, College of Education, Business, & Applied Sciences Dr. Holly Gruhlke and Alaynea Decker, Senior Fire Fighter with the Dickinson Fire Department discuss.
Dr. Thomas Krumel, COVID-19 and Meat Processors ~~ Dickinson State University Fire Science

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