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Summer Travel; Jewish Community Relations; Tom Isern

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Travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson explores how restaurants, diversity, and festivals build community in new book, "100 Things to Do in Fargo Before You Die."
Travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson explores how restaurants, diversity, and festivals build community in new book, "100 Things to Do in Fargo Before You Die."

Today's Segments:

June Travel - Staying Cool

With the arrival of the summer solstice, it's time for the dog days of summer. We have great tips to beat the heat and have family fun this summer with travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson, and an expert guest in summer fun, her 11-year-old son Eli.

PULSE 2128 - Steve Hunegs

Steve Hunegs, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Dakotas and Minnesota, joins John Harris, the host of Prairie Pulse television show, for an in-depth discussion. They explore the vital work of the Jewish Community Relations Council, including promoting interfaith dialogue, combating anti-Semitism, and supporting the Jewish communities in the region.

Tom Isern - An American Phenomenon

Historian Tom Isern reflects on a new book that delves into a sorrowful chapter of North Dakota's past. This segment is a profound reminder of the complex tapestry of American history, as seen through the lens of North Dakota.

Transcript of interview with Alicia Underlee Nelson and her son Eli:

Ashley Thornberg

So the rest of us have been calling it summer since Memorial Day weekend, but meteorologically speaking, it's only just now become summer with the recent summer solstice, and that of course means longer days, hotter weather, and hotter bodies. We need to stay hydrated. We need to stay cool.

So Alicia, you're taking us swimming today, and especially some good kid-approved swimming spots.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

I have an expert along with me, and this is kind of the time of year I feel like as Midwesterners we rejoice in those first two hot days, and then by really scorching day number three, we're kind of looking for ways to cool off immediately. And I think as we get older, we sort of forget that we can do all those fun kid things. Like there's great joy in splashing in the sprinkler, so again, yes, that is a short-term solution you can find.

Ashley Thornberg

My mother is fond of saying, youth is wasted on the young, and that we should be having some fun.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Kids know how to do it. So I encourage people, think like a kid. Think about the pools, and the lakes, and the water parks, and all those wonderful cool refreshing things that you can do in the summer.

Eli Nelson

Eli, are you more of a pool person or a lake person? I don't know. Depends on which pool or lake you're talking about.

If you have lakes, I'd probably like, I don't know, I'd prefer lakes actually. Okay, and why lakes? I think lakes just have that natural aspect to them that just makes them very different from pools.

Ashley Thornberg

So you want to see the trees, you want to see the fish, it doesn't bother you if something's going to land on you afterwards like a leech? No. Yeah, no, I mean those are just kind of cool actually, if you pull them off right away.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

We go to Detroit lakes a lot with my parents, so that's, Detroit Lake is, you know, Big Detroit's pretty clean, not too weedy, not too many leeches, that kind of a thing.

Ashley Thornberg

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, Alicia, help us out here. When you are with little kids and at a lake, sometimes there's a designated swimming area, and sometimes there's not.

Do you only, with kids, suggest the designated swimming areas?

Alicia Underlee Nelson

I do, especially if you don't have strong swimmers in your group. If you have life jackets on, then that is a little bit less pressure. And I encourage people, if you're not sure how everybody in your party is doing, if you've got some weaker swimmers, older or younger, or maybe kids a couple years younger than Eli here who are real confident but might not have the strength and endurance to match, put the life jacket on and that gives you a little bit of flexibility.

But those cleared out swimming beaches, they are clear, they are clean, they are cleaned up, they're the safest, they don't have any weird drop-offs, you might not have any strange wakes to worry about or sharp rocks, that kind of thing. So there's just less to worry about in that situation. And usually there's plenty of room, public access might be close for boats, but they're not going to be right on top of you, which is good, and it's kind of a nice way for people to go out and explore.

That said, we have waded in plenty of places that aren't strictly swimming beaches. We were just in Seattle and Eli was skipping rocks into the water and we were sitting on some driftwood and it wasn't specifically marked for swimming and they recommended not swimming, but it was perfectly fine to put your feet in and cool off and it was unseasonably warm for Seattle, so it was nice. Even if you just put your feet in, neither of my grandmas swim, but they have both told me many times how much it helps just to, you know, put your legs in up to about your ankles or knees, makes a really big difference and you've got to be mindful of that, especially when you're out maybe walking or sightseeing or, you know, checking out different things that you might need that ability to cool off, not just to drink water, but immerse yourself in it as needed.

Ashley Thornberg

A little closer to home than Seattle here. Where are you and Eli off to this summer for swimming holes, especially the natural ones?

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Well, there's a couple different options. We live near Minnesota, so the land of lakes is where a lot of people think of first, but I always encourage people to check out North Dakota State Parks. There are, if you can't afford the very affordable admission to get in, there are passes available at local libraries all over the state, so you can get in and check out all these different spaces.

Lots of them have, you know, kayak and canoe rentals if you're not a swimmer, but you like fishing or you want to be out on the water in another way. Some of the obvious ones have lake in the name, like Kakawiya, Beaver Lake, Lake Mitagoshi, that kind of a thing.

Ashley Thornberg


Alicia Underlee Nelson

Others, Graham's Island is fantastic up on Devil's Lake.

Ashley Thornberg

I'm almost sad to hear you say this because that's one of my favorites and I want to keep it a secret. But we're here to share the treats with people. But I love this one, especially around a full moon because they have just a beautiful lakeside opening and in just a couple minutes drive, you can get far enough away from other land that it's almost possible to not see or hear other humans.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

And sometimes you need that magic, that big body of water. Fort Stevenson also has a great kind of expansive bit of water too. And one of my favorites, Lewis and Clark State Park, kind of out near Williston, it's near Epping, Lake Sakakawiya out there feels like the ocean.

I mean, we were out swimming, Eli swam there with his cousin and I mean, there were practically white caps on this really hot day and we just felt like we were swimming in the wilderness and it was such a fun experience. And just the absolute opposite of that typical, very touristed lake experience. So there's a whole range and they're all available, you know, a day trip or a short drive for people.

Ashley Thornberg

Eli, what are some of your favorite things to do with your cousins and stuff when you don't have to be with mom and dad?

Eli Nelson

Well, when we're like in the lake, just kind of we we love swimming, going under the water. One of our personal favorites is like just catching fish. Oh, nice.

And yeah, just a bunch of this like normal, like swimming, all of that good stuff.

Ashley Thornberg

All right, Alicia, this past weekend, I was driving through Detroit Lakes and all of a sudden there's a great big troll. And there is this artist who is quite famous for using recycled and otherwise trash materials and building, in this case, giant woodland troll creatures that also have some storytelling elements to them. You can be following along and trying to solve these clues.

Talk a little bit about these family friendly activities that also encourage a little bit of brain work, you know, when when you make learning so that the kids don't realize they're learning.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

I love this. I know adults that have gone to see these trolls. They're by Danish artist Thomas Dambo, who's done installations all over the country.

He's done all over the world. Yeah, all over the world. 138 of these giant trolls and other figures that are made from recycled materials, often from the community that they are built in.

So there's a very local connection there. They're in 17 countries now in 19 states in the U.S. The ones in Detroit Lakes are the first sculptures in Minnesota. And they're made by 17 members of Dambo's team and 400 local volunteers.

So it's a huge amount of work and people might be like, why does this matter? But what's neat about them is they are permanent. They're going to be maintained.

So this isn't just like a one time installation thing. And they are, like you mentioned, sort of a magical scavenger hunt. He talks about these, he creates these mirrors that he has as kind of a metaphor for portals.

And there are riddles and you're supposed to be following from one to the next. So the first one that people will see is right in the main park in town so people can stumble upon it. And then if they want, they can follow the clues from Detroit Lakes City Park to all these other trolls.

And I love that we do a lot of that when we travel. And I write a lot of stories that are about family travel for people that maybe don't want to be limited to just Disney or kids cruises or that kind of thing. Because what I think kids and adults really enjoy is working together, you know, being outside, as Eli mentioned with the lakes, you have that natural element, you can run off a lot of energy.

If kids run and scream when they're little, it's in a park, that's what they're supposed to be doing. Right. Whereas when they get a little bit older.

Ashley Thornberg


Alicia Underlee Nelson

Please stop screaming in the house. Indeed. But running off the energy outside in the lake or in the park is great.

And then as they get a little bit older, they can add their brainpower to solving the riddles. And I would say, too, if you if you're not a water person, you're more of a I would like air conditioning in the summer sort of person. You can do something similar to this treasure hunt in Detroit Lakes by doing a escape room.

And we have done that with groups. And it's always better, I think, to do the maximum amount of people. And it's always better to have a range of ages and talents because we did it.

Speaking of Eli's cousins with the Onsen cousins. And there were so many times that we were stuck. And Eli and his youngest cousin, that's the same age, would literally be down on the floor looking at something and see something that we truly could not see.

It's hard to get down on the ground at a certain age. So I think there's a good lesson there that when you're out doing these these puzzles or maybe you're doing like West Fargo has a big scavenger hunt every year or you're doing the escape rooms or you're doing some brain teasers together. Like there's so many ways that you can enjoy yourself as a family or enjoy yourself as a multigenerational experience without limiting yourself to things that are just marketed to kids.

Because kids love them. But sometimes adults are about ready to be done after 10 minutes. Yeah, yeah.

Ashley Thornberg

Eli, are there ever times on these big family trips where you're kind of like, oh, hurry up, Grandma.

Eli Nelson

There are many times and I'm like, it's just like I want it like I think kids are so fast paced with these things. Yeah. And like not trying to be mean, but older people are kind of slower, but you kind of got to pick up the pace here.

Ashley Thornberg

Eli, we've been talking a little bit about lakes and about these treasure hunts.

We're going to move on to pools and to water parks. OK, I can tell by your face you're fairly excited we're going in this direction.

What do you look for at a water park?

Eli Nelson

Me personally, I just look for the tallest slide I see. I look for the tallest slide I see and tell myself this is going to happen. If it doesn't happen, I'm going to be ashamed of myself.

This is going to happen.

Ashley Thornberg

So you're never afraid. You are always just like, nope, we're doing it.

Eli Nelson

No, because I feel like I'll be mad with myself if I don't. OK, Alicia, sometimes our kids do things that make us a little scared.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

How do you deal? I tell myself as long as he meets the weight requirement, there's not a lot I can do. And this truly happened.

We took a family trip. If we're talking water parks, I mean, the ultimate in the Midwest is Wisconsin Dells. We took a family trip with my parents and the cousins last summer.

Plus, the parents can get new Golaris beer sold only in Wisconsin.

Ashley Thornberg

That's true.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Definitely pick that up. And I totally expected that I would not enjoy this experience. But it turned out because it just seemed like it would be a lot of waiting in line on hot asphalt and maybe wouldn't be worth it.

But it turns out it was great. And we had a fabulous time. But there were some points where he went on some slides that were, I mean, they terrified me.

We screamed our heads off the entire way down. But you know what?

Ashley Thornberg

He was laughing pretty hard at that.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

The physics of it are in his favor. There's nothing much I can do. And at least right now, he is still a little bit, doesn't weigh quite enough for the, once the drop, he's straight down in Wisconsin Dells.

Eli Nelson

Oh, yeah.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

So my terror. Got to eat more broccoli and spinach if you want to.

Eli Nelson

And eat more, got to drink more milk for that. OK.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

We're a household that believes in science. And if the scientists that set up the ride say he can ride it, well, you know what? I got to relinquish a little control.

That's what parenting is. He's getting older. I can deal with it.

Eli, do you like scaring your mom?

Eli Nelson

Yeah, I like scaring my mom. It's pretty fun. She gets so nervous when I do these things.

It's hilarious.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

He is not lying. He is absolutely correct.

Ashley Thornberg

Yeah, they are. It's almost like this is how we get our cardio as mothers is our heart rates are always going. Watching our kids almost hurt themselves all the time.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

But it's good, though, because it pushes our own boundaries, too. And I mean, there are so many options to explore water parks that you don't have to drive all the way to Detroit Lakes if you don't want to. There are lots of things here in North Dakota that can challenge you in the same way.

And then the biggest risk that he faces is hearing me scream all the way down a water slide and being super embarrassing.

Ashley Thornberg

He's got a great eye roll. Let's talk about some of these water parks that are attached to hotels. Do you have to stay at a hotel to get that water park?

Can you usually get just a water park pass?

Alicia Underlee Nelson

So for some of the biggest ones, you can definitely purchase a day pass or even in some cases, an evening pass or a seasonal pass. So the big one that I'm thinking of right now, Splashers of the South Seas, which is in Grand Forks, currently open Wednesday through Saturday. But in July and August, they will be open pretty much every day.

That's 40,000 square feet of water fun. So it's madness, right? I mean, obviously, they want to open that up to as many people as they possibly can.

There's a lazy river, a ton of slides, restaurants on site, arcade. You can rent a cabana. I mean, you can spend the entire day here and they want you to.

That's the goal. So that's always available whether you're staying there or not. And there are discounts for Grand Forks residents Monday through Thursday, which is huge.

I didn't know that. 20% off is a big deal. That's a big deal.

Yeah. If you have a family, that's really important. So if you're a Grand Forks resident, go for sure.

Ashley Thornberg

All right, Alicia, you use the word madness. And then you said, you know, 40,000 square feet of slides and arcades and restaurants and screaming kids. How are you staying sane doing all this?

It's the decibel level alone in some of these places.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Well, I guess I don't really mind it. And if it bothers you, then you can always do maybe a kind of outdoor pool. So you don't have the tinny sound of screaming voices echoing and bouncing all over the building, which can be kind of nice.

So there are a lot of pools that I think are enjoyable that have a couple water slides that give the kids the thrills that they want, but maybe aren't quite as loud for the parents and caregivers, which is nice. So, I mean, we talk a lot about Davie's Pool here in Fargo, which is a blast. And it has two really fun slides, including one that's very steep.

And that's the one that I was thinking of when I mentioned that I screamed my way all the way down. It is never so sad as when you're screaming and you jump off and the 16-year-old lifeguard looks at you like, wow, really? And I'm like, that's scary.

He's like, not really. I'm like, OK, I'm sorry. I'm officially old, apparently.

Ashley Thornberg

Yeah, that's definitely.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

I have lost my jaded veneer. I'm terrified anew.

Ashley Thornberg

Also, the inner ear drum thing changes as you get older.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Yeah, I used to be the one that would ride the rides at the fair. I'd get the wristband and be on the same ride if it was a slow Tuesday, you know, 10 times in a row. Now I ride the tilt-a-whirl and have to lie down for three hours.

It's getting older is no fun that way.

Ashley Thornberg

Eli, do you ever go on those obstacle courses that they sometimes set up in the water parks?

Eli Nelson

Oh, yeah, the obstacle courses in water parks. Yeah, those are extremely fun because like you have that still going through the obstacle course, but with water at the same time.

Ashley Thornberg

So are you slipping, sliding, falling off? What's your secret to making it through these things?

Eli Nelson

Jump, dive, stay on balance.

Ashley Thornberg

Now, Alicia, if I'm not mistaken, there is a pretty big one of these out in Watford City.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

There is indeed. And I've actually been meaning to go to it forever. It's great.

It's the Rough Rider Center in Watford City. It has a slide. It has a lazy river, water basketball and volleyball.

So lots of activities everybody can do. But the inflatable obstacle course sounds like so much fun. And there's a few things like this in Fargo, like Davies has a climbing wall and that's fun in the water.

I mean, you get wet and you have that extra level of challenge. But I think it's kind of fun to add a little bit more adrenaline rush for those older kids and adults that might want to try some of these things too.

Ashley Thornberg

You know, I was out in Madora last summer and I got into a conversation with a few people who were really working on planning the future of Madora. And obviously, they've got kind of the older crowd figured out with the Madora musical and with their dining options. And then the really adventurous people going out on the Matahe Trail with the hiking and then the fat tire biking.

And they were working on trying to get a little bit more younger stuff. They were getting a mini golf thing. And then they had this like above ground trampoline thing.

It was like concave, convex, whichever one comes above ground.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

That's the jump pillow.

Ashley Thornberg

Yeah, the jump pillow. There we go. Talk a little bit about, Alicia, as you are traveling with kids and then for you doing multi-generational stuff so often, what are some of the things that you really look for of, OK, my zero to five year old kids are going to be OK.

My five to 10 year olds, 10 to whatever, 10 to 18 is maybe too big of a range there. But specifically in trying to get those young kids not just dropped off at the daycare.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Well, I think the most important thing is to come up with an itinerary that has something for everyone. And that sounds like a cliche. But not everybody's going to be able to do their first choice all the time.

But if there can be something on the docket that will appeal to every age group in the day, that will help tremendously. So if you're going to do the hike, great. You're going to pick a time.

If you're out in Medora, it's extremely hot in the afternoon. So you're probably going to be hiking morning or evening.

Ashley Thornberg

And there is no shade.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Right. So maybe you're hiking in the morning and then grandma and grandpa really want to go to the musical at night. That leaves you the afternoon.

And I think Medora's done a wonderful job of adding exactly those attractions that you just mentioned. Because there wasn't really a lot for young families. There was the fun play structure.

There was the old mini golf course, which was fun. But if you go to Medora for more than a couple days, you were a little bit tapped out. Now they have the fantastic jump pillow.

They've got an expanded play area, which is good. They also have the zip line, which we went down and Eli can speak to. And that was super fun.

Ashley Thornberg

Do they have a zip line?

Alicia Underlee Nelson

They do.

Ashley Thornberg


Eli Nelson

Eli, tell me all about this.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

Well, it's not like it's like an open. It's like you're in a carriage situation. So go ahead.

Eli Nelson

Yeah, you're in like a little carriage. And you basically get zipped up on this platform. And there's like a really, really tall pole.

And you go down to it. And then you're really high up. You can see all the views of all the mountains.

And it's really, it's really nice.

Ashley Thornberg


Eli Nelson

Were you scared at all? A little bit. It's like it's a little high at first.

And then you look at all the mountains and you're like, OK, this is high. Yeah. But then you come back down and the stop is a little like, oh, no.

Like the stops like a kind of a hard stop. But it's really fun in general.

Ashley Thornberg


Eli Nelson

Oh, that's great.

Ashley Thornberg

Eli, what else are you most looking forward to for your summer travels?

Eli Nelson

I don't know. Like mom touched on like the Wisconsin Dells. I don't know.

Mainly just water parks, fun and all stuff like that. OK.

Alicia Underlee Nelson

We are trying the Veterans Memorial Pool in West Fargo. We have the cousins come over for a few days every summer. And we try to always explore a new body of water of some kind.

And this one has some slides and a splash pad, which is fun. And they're a little bit old for the splash pad. But I found that everybody kind of likes being able to get their feet wet, like I mentioned, and splash pad.

Splash around here. And just anything that gives like all ages a little ability to run around and not to have that unstructured time, I think is fun.

Ashley Thornberg


Alicia Underlee Nelson

Because whenever you've got like the cousins have big personalities, we have big personalities. We have lots of fun stuff we want to do. We have lots of cool things we want to accomplish in the day.

And I think that is pretty common when you're on vacation as well. Like you want to maximize all the time.

Ashley Thornberg


Alicia Underlee Nelson

But any time you can be in water or in nature, you can have a few hours where people can split up and do whatever they want. And I think allowing kids that freedom to roam and kind of arrange what they want to do in a supervised environment is super cool.

NOTE: Prairie Public's Main Street uses Turboscribe.ai to create transcripts of some of its interviews. The audio is the official record of the show.