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Legislative leaders want to keep some legislative days in reserve

Dave Thompson
Prairie Public

North Dakota Legislative leaders say they’re still working to keep five days in reserve for any potential special session.

"This economy is very volatile," said House Majority Leader Al; Carlson (R-Fargo).

Carlson has a “countdown calendar” in his office, showing the days left until the 75th day. The Legislature can meet up to 80 days in a session.

"We're planning on starting conference committees this week," said Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner (R-Dickinson). "And we're pushing the regular committees to get their work done."

Wardner says he's optimistic the Legislature will be able to save some days.

"It seems like we're not going to have as many conference committees as we have had in the past," said Wardner.

Carlson says there are still some things to be worked out on big spending bills.

"The hot air balloons are floating all over the House chamber," said Carlson. "And I got the darts."

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