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Legislature passes conceal-carry bill

The Legislature has given final approval to a bill that expands the rights of people who have concealed carry gun permits to have those firearms in places like public buildings, parks and concert venues.

But some House members think the bill goes too far. One is Rep. Bill Amerman (D-Forman), who said this bill could allow terrorists or people with suicidal tendencies to carry firearms in public places.

“They have a very hard time getting into concerts and parks," Amerman said. "But with this bill, all they need to do is take some classes, show they're proficient, get a conceal-carry permit, and they will be able to take that weapon in.”

Rep. Corey Mock (D-Grand Forks) says it also takes away a local government’s powers to determine if they will allow guns in parks.

“This should not be a decision that we as a state make,"Mock said. "This is a decision that we should really leave up to the local jurisdiction."

But Rep. Jim Kasper (R-Fargo) says the bill is in-line with the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

“I look upon it as the opportunity for this state, this Legislative body, to make a statement that we do support the Constitution, and that we want the God-fearing, honest people of our state to have the right to protect themselves, wherever they’re at,” Kasper said.

The bill passed 74 to 19 – and because the House agreed with Senate amendments, the bill now lands on Governor Dalrymple’s desk.

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