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Some ND Democrats frustrated with national convention delegate process

Dave Thompson
Prairie Public

Some North Dakota Democrats are taking issue with the way the delegates to the national convention in Philadelphia were chosen this year.

Legislative district Democrats met June 7th to select their choices to go to the national convention. Saturday, they met in Bismarck to make the final selections.

"We've gotten legitimate criticism from upporters of both campaigns (Clinton and Sanders), who don't like the caucus process, and don't like the way things have gone," said State Democratic NPL Chairman Kylie Overson of Grand Forks. "But this is the process our state policy committee approved two or three years ago, and when it comes time to write the plan for next time, we will take that into consideration."

Overson said while the process had its drawbacks, it did have some positives.

"This type of gathering doesn't happen if you have a primary," Overson said. "You don't get the time to spend with like-minded supporters, and to get to know other people."

Overson admits it's a time-consuming process.

The national conventuion is scheduled July 25-28 in Phildelphia.

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