The state health department has confirmed 27 additional cases of COVID-19 in North Dakota.
The positive cases came from a pool of 3,569 tests for a positive rate of 0.8 percent.
The positives were from seven counties. Cass County had 20 positive cases, while Burleigh County had two. Barnes, Bottineau, Mountrail, Richland and Sargent Counties each had one new case.
There have been 2,706 positive cases overall.
To date there have been 104,888 tests for the novel coronavirus in the state since the pandemic began. 75,744 of those tests have been on unique individuals.
175 total people have been hospitalized, with 32 individuals currently under hospitalization for COVID-19.
There have been 2,209 recoveries and 66 deaths. This leaves 431 total active confirmed cases.