Monday, February 24, 2020 – Writer and naturalist Jack Nisbet discusses his book, "The Dreamer and The Doctor: A Forest Lover and a Physician on the Edge of the Frontier." It’s the story of John and Carrie Leiberg, who arrived in Idaho Territory in 1885 with a fragile infant, a shaky homestead claim, and ambitions that reached far beyond John’s interest in native plants or Carrie’s newly minted physician’s license. Their accomplishments stand as touchstones of character and identity for an entire region. Author Jack Nisbet visits with Sarah Aaronson, host of “The Write Question,” a weekly literary program from Montana Public Radio featuring writers from the western United States. ~~~ A conversation about an important judge and the history of North Dakota, the United States, and an issue that still resounds in the 21st century. The Espionage Act of 1917 is still on the books today. Legal historian Matthew Berning on his lecture titled “Charles F Amidon: Wartime Hysteria and the Espionage Act of 1917.”
Author Jack Nisbet ~ Historian Matthew Berning on ND Judge Amidon