43 new cases of COVID-19 from four North Dakota counties have been confirmed by the state health department.
There were 38 new cases in Cass County and three new cases in Grand Forks County. Rolette and Walsh Counties each reported one new case.
The total number of positives in North Dakota since the pandemic began is 2,422. Today’s positive rate is 4.4 percent.
The state lab is also working on retesting a group of 82 people who falsely tested positive due to an equipment malfunction. The issue was quickly resolved, and to date 65 of those cases have been retested. 1 individual tested positive, while 64 have tested negative. One individual has declined the retest, and is isolating at home.
A total of 85,479 tests have been completed. 66,854 of those tests have been done on unique individuals.
40 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19, while 156 people have been hospitalized in all.
There have been 1,701 recoveries and 54 deaths. This leaves 664 active confirmed cases in North Dakota.