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Senate committee mulling a COVID liability bill

A bill is pending in the Legislature to grant businesses and medical facilities some immunity from COVOD-19 liability claims.

It’s passed the House, and is now in the Senate.

"What we're doing here is saying, okay, if this is COVID-related, you're going to have to cut it some slack,' said Sen. Jerry Klein (R-Fessenden), chairman of the Senate Industry, Business and Labor Committee.

That committee heard the bill last week.

"This is not a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card," Klein said. "If somebody was actually injured in a business through no fault of their own, and no COVID relationship, that still sticks," Klein said. "Those people will have some recourse.

"All w're asking here is that business, if it's COVID related, and generally no fault of their own, that it wouldn't be included," Klein said.

Klein said the bill is a reflection of the impact COVID has had.

"Somebody who says, 'I think I got COVID standing in line at Target,' how are you going to prove it?" Klein said.

Klein said he hopes the Committee will take action this week.

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