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Clinton Visits


When Air Force One touched down at the Grand Forks Air Force Base on this date, April, 22nd, 1997, the flooded Red River was still riding at its record crest of 54.11 feet. Within minutes of landing, President Clinton, Grand Forks Mayor, Pat Owens, and US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala were in a helicopter touring the flooded towns and the surrounding area. Nobody said a word during the flight. During a roundtable meeting after the flight, President Clinton pledged the full support of the federal government. Then, at a press conference later in the day, Mayor Owens turned to Clinton, wiped a tear from her cheek and said, “You bring us hope”. Clinton replied, “It may be hard to believe it now, but you can rebuild stronger and better than ever.”

By Merrill Piepkorn


Red River Rising by Ashley Shelby