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Tallest Man


On this day in 1904, in Silva, North Dakota, Clifford Thompson was born. Although a normal size at birth, in 1940 Clifford became known the world’s tallest living man.

In 1911 the Thompson family moved from North Dakota to Wisconsin where Thompson finished high school and teacher’s college. Once graduated, prejudice against his height made it difficult for Thompson to obtain a teaching job. Discouraged, Thompson accepted an invitation to join the circus, traveling across the country under the name “Count Olaf.” While working for the Cole Brothers circus he met his wife, Mary Bars.

Later Thompson would graduate from law school, becoming “the world’s largest lawyer.” Thompson’s unusual height was due to pituitary disorder known as acromegalic gigantism. Unfortunately, Thompson, like most who suffer from it, passed away too soon from complications of the disorder at the age of 51.

Written by Maria Witham