Lincoln Valley is a ghost town today, but it was once a bustling community in Sheridan County. However, there was little business being done there on this date in 1951, as the town's 75 residents were effectively snowed in-and had been for several weeks.
They were running out of everything, including meat, bread, flour and yeast, even coal. But they did have cereal, and plenty of cream-1, 850 gallons, which they were eating as fast as they could, before it spoiled. The snow couldn't stop the cows!
There were no deaths, no sicknesses, except for one man who was flown out. But those left behind were getting sick of the same menu.
After all, man cannot live on cornflakes and cream alone.
Dakota Datebook written by Sarah Walker
North Dakota Place Names, by Douglas A. Wick
The Fargo Forum, p. 10, March 22, 1951