Lee Fahler of the Minot Police Department was shot and killed on this date in 1921. Only two months on the job, the twenty-eight-year-old officer kissed his wife and young son good-bye that morning to begin his patrol, just as he had for weeks. During his shift, Fahler noticed a suspicious vehicle and decided to make a routine traffic stop. During questioning, the driver attempted to bribe him. After refusing, Fahler placed the man under arrest and began to walk the suspect to his patrol car. Suddenly, the man produced a handgun and shot the young officer. Fahler was able to draw his own weapon and return fire, killing his assailant. Tragically, Fahler died moments later of his wounds. An investigation uncovered over twenty cases of whiskey in the suspect’s car, which the man had been smuggling from Canada to Minnesota.
Dakota Datebook written by Jayme L. Job