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George Trikk, Bandit


June 9 just might have been the day a bandit named George Trikk made his mark on North Dakota history.

In 1900, it was said he stole a sack of gold coins from a train in Fargo and fled southwest toward Leonard. A posse took him into custody and, while they looked for the gold, Trikk tried to escape and was killed.

People across the country have searched for records of Trikk and his buried treasure, but no one has found evidence of him or a robbery.

Leonard’s Centennial Book poses the question, "Was George Trikk only the figment of a writer’s imagination or did he really exist, and is his treasure just waiting out there for someone to find?" We may never know.

Dakota Datebook written by Karen Horsley


Leonard (ND) Centennial Book, 1982
