Dakota Datebook Stories: The Great War
Millions of Americans served in World War I — soldiers, sailors , nurses — and many at home provided support, suffered scarcities, and grieved for loved ones lost. The United States entered the Great War April 6, 1917. Prairie Public’s Dakota Datebook commemorated the 100th anniversary with stories from North Dakota, thanks to historian Jim Davis and other Dakota Datebook writers. Hear the stories here, or download a pdf to read the entire collection.
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John Grass, or Charging Bear, was a beloved leader of the Teton Sioux and an ardent supporter of the war effort. July of 1917, although weakened by a…
Among the North Dakota soldiers fighting somewhere in France, were a number of young men of Jewish faith. Sam Rigler, from Taylor, North Dakota, trusted…
Weekly or daily, depending upon the local publisher, North Dakotans counted on newspapers to publish the minutes of county and city meetings, land proofs,…
The American Expeditionary Forces were advancing, with the British and French forces, along the front in France. The causalities were heavy. As of August…
When Dakota Territory was settled, the United States encouraged the arrival of European immigrants. At a federal court hearing this week in 1918, Judge…
The war had brought about some dramatic labor shifts. Immediately a call went out for 25,000 student nurses in July of 1918, it was followed by a request…
As the American Expeditionary Force became more heavily involved on the battlefields of France, casualty numbers were staggering as trench warfare became…
The trial of John H. Wishek, the former state senator and well known banker and businessman from McIntosh County, began in Bismarck on July 9, 1918.…
In the Special Session of 1918, the North Dakota Legislature created and funded the North Dakota Council of Defense. The Council was comprised of the…
On this date in 1918, the political climate across the state was calming momentarily with the completion of North Dakota’s primary election the week…