North Dakota’s budget director said the state will end the current two year biennium in the black.Joe Morrissette told the Legislature’s Budget Section…
North Dakota’s Budget Director said the state is still projected to end the current two year period with money in the bank.Joe Morrissette told the…
A recent study by a financial consulting group shows North Dakota ranking third in the nation for its “rainy day” government funds.The study was done by…
North Dakota’s Budget Director said the Burgum Administration is still planning to give state agencies budget guidelines by the end of April.The agencies…
North Dakota’s Budget Director says the planned start of the budget forecasting process for the next biennium has been delayed – because of uncertainties…
November’s revenue collections were slightly behind forecast.Driving that were sales tax and individual income tax.But North Dakota’s budget director said…
The director of North Dakota’s Office of Management and Budget said he has a concern about the effect of the downturn in the agriculture economy on state…
Gov. Doug Burgum is making a few changes to the budgeting process for state agencies.Burgum unveiled the changes at what’s been called a “JEL” meeting –…
A long way from zero.Two years ago, state Legislators had to spend down the state’s budget stabilization fund – to balance the budget, during a state…
The director of the state’s Office of Management and Budget said OMB has finished a series of “strategy review” meetings with executive branch…