Dakota Datebook: 100 Years of Women Voting
A series about how the effort for women's suffrage roiled North Dakota for years, along with the rest of the country. The 19th Amendment finally became law in 1919, so it's a good time to look back at the characters, their arguments and actions, the defeats, close calls, and victories.
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When the Federal Suffrage Amendment passed in the U.S. House and Senate on June 4th, 1919, there were many calls in North Dakota for a special session so…
On November 2, 1920, eligible men and women around the country were able to vote equally in the election for the first time. According to the census…
Suffragists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns learned about militant protest tactics from suffrage efforts in England. They felt such tactics could help in the…
North and South Dakota officially became states on this date in 1889, at a time when suffrage was a hot topic of conversation. The year began with…
North Dakota’s 4th Annual Industrial Exposition took place in Bismarck in October 1914, and the city was bustling with activity. The Bismarck Tribune…
On this date in 1912, excitement grew as plans were made for Jane Addams to speak in the state.Addams was a well-known suffragist, activist, and social…
In 1914, suffragists increasingly campaigned for the right to vote as the election on the matter approached. Speakers of some renown came to North Dakota…
On this date in 1914, last minute preparations were underway in Garrison as participants set up for the Garrison Corn Show, which was organized by the…
On November 3 of 1914, voters in North Dakota had the opportunity to pass woman’s suffrage, and on this date, suffragists were actively campaigning for…
In 1919, suffragists around the country called for special state legislative sessions to gain the necessary majority to ratify it. However, in North…