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Gravity does not often cause worry or apprehension. It reliably will be a part of the daily walk to our frozen vehicles, which in turn will remain on the ground until our various destinations are met.

Yet, the apple hit Newton’s head, and gravity was born within the minds of men. It is an integral, however subtle, character in the human story. It is not a part of the world of will, but a power beyond human control, colliding with us, in ways sometimes called either chance or fate.

Gravity can be tragic ... as when there’s an avalanche, and it can be useful, providing hydro-electric energy. But it can also be humorous, and on this day in 1945, in Mylo, North Dakota, Mrs. K. T. Campbell fell through the roof of her husband’s store. Mrs. Campbell likely surprised customers when she landed head first into the establishment below. She had fallen though the hot air register of the upstairs apartment where the couple lived. Mrs. Campbell was attending to her daily chores around the apartment and had removed the upper grate of the hot air register to clean it. Gravity then stepped in and met Mrs. Campbell on the backside.

Swiftly taken to the Rolla community hospital for treatment for her injuries, Mrs. Campbell fortunately suffered no breaks or fractures. She did receive some bruises and cuts, but was mostly just stunned, a symptom likely also suffered by Mr. Campbell and any patrons in the store.

The newsworthy event of Mrs. Campbell’s fall was reported in the Minot Daily News, which stated that her condition was much improved. However, there was no mention of the infamous culprit gravity; it was most likely busy elsewhere wordlessly making more mischief.

Written by Maria Witham

Minot Daily News, February 10, 1945