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Health Department working on a response to the new Clean Power Plan

Even though lawsuits are pending to stop the EPA’s new Clean Power Plan – the state Health Department will be working on a state implementation plan.

The rule requires North Dakota to reduce carbon emissions by 45 percent – by the year 2030. The preliminary rule had that reduction at 11 percent.

Dave Glatt is the chief of the state Health Department’s Environmental section.  He says the Department is working on two fronts – the legal action as well as a plan to meet the goal.

"We understand there is going to be a reduced carbon future," said Glatt. "What would that look like?"

Glatt says in November, the Department will hold four meetings around the state to talk about the new rule – and make the public aware of the implications.

"We're looking for solutions," said Glatt. "From that public outreach, we are going to start developing a plan that, at first, will look pretty sketchy. But it's a path moving forward."

Glatt says the initial submittal is due next September. And he says if EPA approves, North Dakota will have two more years to finalize its plan. He says he's hoping people will get involved.

"It has some pretty significant impacts," said Glatt. "How are they going to get electricity, what the cost will be, and how we impact our neighbors. We need the public to give us input."

The meetings will be held in Williston, Beulah, Bismarck and Fargo.

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