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Karen Horsley

  • 8/4/2012: Have you wondered why North Dakota has so few trees? According to legend, Paul Bunyan and Babe, his big blue ox, wandered west from his logging camp in Minnesota one day.
  • 6/16/2012: On this date in 1887, the University of North Dakota’s only building was almost blown to smithereens. Though no tornadoes were sighted, newspapers reported “a terrible cyclonic calamity.”
  • 2/27/2012: Everyone called them “the Gregerson girls” – Grace, Rose, Florence, Ethel and Mildred. Around 1909 their parents, Sarah and Frederick, moved with three daughters from Minnesota to Fargo, where their father worked for the North Dakota Harness Company. Two more daughters were born in Fargo, and by 1914 the family was complete.