Maquita Peters
Melissa McCarthy got a lot of attention for her enraged impression of White House press secretary Sean Spicer last week. This week she was back, along with Alec Baldwin reprising Donald Trump.
After President Trump suspended immigration from seven countries, permanent residents have been detained at airports across the country.
The U.S. Attorney has issued several charges against 26-year-old Esteban Santiago for carrying out the deadly shooting. Maximum penalty is possible death sentence.
The blasts took place Saturday night, according to Turkey's interior minister, who suggested a car bomb was the source of the explosions. The government is pointing its finger at Kurdish militants.
NPR's Scott Simon talks to behavioral scientist Uri Simonsohn about how one of the scientists behind 2010 research on 'power poses' is distancing herself from that work.
Clinton abruptly left a Sept. 11 commemoration ceremony in New York City on Sunday. Her campaign had said she "felt overheated," then later announced she was diagnosed Friday with pneumonia.
Just days before the Democratic National Committee convention gets underway, WikiLeaks releases almost 20,000 emails among DNC staff, revealing discussions of topics from Bernie Sanders to the media.
Cunningham worked at the Times for almost 40 years, capturing the fashion trends of the day with a timeless eye.
The Cavaliers rebounded from a 3-1 game deficit to win the championship, giving the city of Cleveland its first major sports title since 1964.
The 70th Tony Awards ceremony was dedicated to people affected by Sunday's deadly mass shooting in Orlando, Fla.