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This Week in 1910

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This week in 1910 was a typical day for readers of the Fargo Forum and the Daily Republican.

As well as news about the Aggies baseball team at the Agricultural College, the front page also carried a host of advertisements promoting health and Red River Valley commerce.

The Fargo Sanitarium ad on the front page promised the new bath department was now open to receive patients. The management announced that the bath departments “for ladies and gentlemen are now open and ready to receive those who wish to take advantage of baths for the elimination of diseases from the system.”

The ad continued with: “The departments are equipped with the latest devices for giving modern and up-to-date baths such as the Thermo-Electric Salt Glows, as well as the Famous Nauheim Carbonic Acid Gas Baths, which are known in Europe as the Champagne Bath and which was prepared for the great railroad magnate Harrison, by the specialist whom he consulted in Venice.

“This bath can be had in Fargo at the Fargo Sanitarium, which institution enjoys the distinction of being the first to introduce this great health-giving bath to the Northwest and is highly recommended for Rheumatism in its many forms as well as various other kinds of disease which the American people are suffering from.

"All baths are given under the direction of Dr. E.J. Cavanaugh, director of the Sanitarium.

"The ladies Bath Department is overseen by Miss Ida LeHey, a graduate of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, in Hydrotherapy and Swedish massage.

"The gentleman’s Professor Wooly, also a graduate of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, is an expert Masseur and bath attendant.

"For further information as regards to the bath department, call Fargo Sanitarium, 1329 Third Avenue South, Phone 630, Fargo, ND."

Another advertisement inside that Saturday evening addition in April of 1910 was clearly aimed at readers with a sweet tooth. Baker’s Caracas Sweet Chocolate was labeled the finest eating chocolate in the world, advertising “Its allure with a delightful combination of the highest-grade cocoa pure sugar and vanilla.”

And the confection wasn’t just for those who lived in town. The ad continued with: “If you do not find it at your grocer’s, we will send a 1 quarter pound package by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or money! Walter Baker & Co. LTD, Dorchester, Mass."

A sweet chocolate treat, 1910 style.

Dakota Datebook by Steve Stark

Dakota Datebook is made in partnership with the State Historical Society of North Dakota, and funded by Humanities North Dakota, a nonprofit, independent state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily reflect those of Humanities North Dakota or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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