On this date in 1946, alumni of the University of North Dakota's secret society called “Iron Mask” held a reunion.
The entry in Iron Mask's internal records reads, “17 July 1946 – First post-war reunion of the Iron Mask was held this date in the hope that it will mark the first of a long succession of similar reunions.”
The four signatories were Glenn G. Geiger, John C. West, Edward K. Lander, and John L. Hulteng.
Glenn G. Geiger went on to found the Glenn G. Geiger Company, a family business that manages executive compensation.
John C. West was the President of the University of North Dakota. Inducted into Iron Mask on June 6, 1935, he provided mentorship to the organization.
Edward K. Lander would serve on the Grand Forks School Board, and as a delegate to North Dakota's Constitutional Convention of 1971-1972.
John L. Hulteng went on to become a celebrated professor of journalism at the University of Oregon who wrote a classic textbook on journalistic ethics.
But Iron Mask was controversial.
The 1937 Dacotah yearbook said its members would “band together for secret activities to coordinate the student body and the administration to the advantage of both.” Yet, in 1968, members of Iron Mask wrote, “At no time has the organization served as an arm of the administration. It is not a Gestapo or spy agency for the University or any other groups or organization.”
This Iron Mask reunion would not be the last. At another reunion dated October 14, 1961, legendary alumnus Chester Fritz was initiated into Iron Mask. Although Iron Mask normally inducted upperclassmen, not alumni, Chester Fritz was an exception. He was an illustrious philanthropist whose name is on UND's main library and a major auditorium.
On February 23, 1968, the Dakota Student reported, “Donald Pearce, Chester Fritz Head Librarian, found this wooden iron mask earlier this week. On its back reads the inscription 'Chester Fritz, 1961.' The mask was discovered in the Oriental Room of the library in a collection of Far Eastern masks.” More recently, it has been re-discovered in an uncatalogued box from the Chester Fritz estate.
Dakota Datebook by Andrew Alexis Varvel
- “Black Book”, page 148. Iron Mask, 1922-1968. Student Organizations Records, UA 52, Series 8, Box 1, Folder 27. Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
- “Black Book”, page 7.
- https://www.thegeigercompany.com/about-us.html
- https://www.thegeigercompany.com/leadership.html
- https://law.und.edu/students/scholarships.html
- “Black Book”, page 6.
- The picture of President West is larger than the pictures of the students, which flank his central picture. This makes it very clear who was in charge of Iron Mask.
- “IRON MASK”, The Dacotah for 1937 (Grand Forks: University of North Dakota, 1937), page 96.
- “Black Book”, page 7.
- Marilyn Hagerty, “April 1960 came in and left like a lion” (opinion), Grand Forks Herald, 12 April 2010.
- https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/columnist-marilyn-hagerty-april-1960-came-in-and-left-like-a-lion
- “Mrs. Nels Pladsen at School Board Meeting”, Steele County Press, 13 June 1968, page 1, column 4.
- “School Personnel Attend Convention”, Steele County Press, 19 November 1970, page 2, column 6.
- Lucille Hendrickson (Tribune Staff Writer), “Impasse Seen In BJC Talks”; The Bismarck Tribune; 23 May 1978; page 1, column 2; page 2, columns 3-4.
- “Group Approves Suing Polluters” (Associated Press), Morning Pioneer (Mandan), 12 October 1971, page 2, columns 5-6.
- “Constitution Committee Airs Medical Center Mill Levy” (Associated Press), The Bismarck Tribune, 16 June 1971, page 32, columns 6-8.
- Bill Tillottson (Special Assignments Editor), “Panel Nails Down Water Rights”, The Bismarck Tribune, 12 January 1972, page 11, columns 3-8.
- “Black Book”, page 7.
- https://journalism.uoregon.edu/john-hulteng
- “IRON MASK”, The Dacotah for 1937, page 96
- F. John Marshall and John C. Wold, “Attorneys Call Iron Mask Clearing House For Ideas”, The Dakota Student, 15 March 1968, page 2, columns 2-3.
- “Black Book”, page 10.
- “Wooden Mask Found in Library”, The Dakota Student, 23 February 1968, page 1, columns 4-5.
- As of the writing of this essay, officials at the University of North Dakota have been unable to locate the wooden Iron Mask relic dedicated to, or by, Chester Fritz in 1961.