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An Honored Veteran; Memorial Day Travel and Food; the history of "Rest Rooms"

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Travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson explores how restaurants, diversity, and festivals build community in new book, "100 Things to Do in Fargo Before You Die."
Travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson explores how restaurants, diversity, and festivals build community in new book, "100 Things to Do in Fargo Before You Die."

Wool Prices Plummeting

Sheep producers in the Midwest say wool prices have been dismal for decades, but in recent years they've plummeted. Now, producers are looking for new ways to add value to this fiber or drop it altogether.

Bradley Aune

Bradley Aune, past Commander of Post 2 Fargo American Legion, discusses Memorial Day and some of the issues facing veterans in this excerpt from the Prairie Pulse television show.

Plains Folk Essay - "That Rest Room"

In this "Plains Folk Essay" by Tom Isern, the early 1900s reform movement aimed to create comfortable rest rooms for farm women visiting towns, offering indoor toilets, clean sitting areas, cribs for babies, and reading materials.

Alicia Underlee Nelson - Memorial Day

With many schools done, it's time to hit the road for Memorial Day. We check in with travel writer Alicia Underlee Nelson.

Prairie Plates - Memorial Day Weekend Food

Summer's first holiday - Rick talks food for the Memorial Day holiday.