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Senate passes property tax relief bill

The Senate has passed its version of property tax relief.

The bill continues the mill levy buydown program, using oil tax money. It also creates a “second” homestead tax credit – so that every homeowner is eligible to have the tax on the first $25,000 of the value of the house paid for by state funds. The bill has a price tag of $403 million.

The House version of property tax -- which has not yet come to the floor -- ties property tax relief to funding for schools.

"I think that's something that has merit," said Sen. Dwight Cook (R-Mandan), the chairman of the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee. "I think that's something we would all like to see happen. I think that's something that's going to be challenging."

Cook said if the Legislature adopts the House version, then the Senate bill isn't needed. But Sen. Jim Dotzenrod (D-Wyndmere) is hoping the second homestead tax credit remians.

"I think a lot of the problems we saw with Measure Two, and a lot of the anxiety and insecurity some homeowners feel has to do with the situation they're in in their home," said Dotzenrod. "This could be a real important part of what we do when we're finally done."

The bill passed the Senate unanimously – and will now be considered in the House.

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