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Cramer: New House leadership will be more transparent, inclusive

US Representative Kevin Cramer (R-ND) says there will be a few changes in the House Republican Caucus with the election of a new House Majority Leader.

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will replace Eric Cantor (R-OH) as the Majority Leader. Cantor was defeated for re-nomination in a primary election, and will be leaving Congress at the end of 2014.

Cramer says one change will likely be relatively unnoticed by the public, but will be by the members of Congress. He says McCarthy will likely be more inclusive – and more transparent.

"More legislation going through the committee process and less back-room ideas coming to the Republican conference from leadership," said Cramer. "I think you're going to see a more inclusive role for the rank and file members, as well as more authority given back to the committee chairmen."

Cramer says McCarthy’s selection will disappoint some in the GOP caucus who want more of a rigid conservative agenda.

"They call it unity, but what they want is unanimity," said Cramer. "And they want unanimity to be just like them."

Cramer says he expects every member of the caucus will get to express his or her views on legislation – and he says that will also help build trust and consensus.

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