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Denise Lajimodiere "Stringing Rosaries" ~ Wheat Farming Outlook ~ Lorraine Davis of Native, Inc.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - One of the finalists for the Midwest Book Awards is “Stringing Rosaries: The History, the Unforgivable, and the Healing of Northern Plains American Indian Boarding School Survivors” by Denise Lajimodiere and published by the North Dakota University Press. The book is built around the stories of sixteen people who attended an Indian boarding school. It also takes a hopeful look toward a future. In a conversation from last year, she speaks with Ashley Thornberg about the boarding school experience. ~~~ Commentary from Bruce Berg: “Blow-by-Blow.” ~~~ Farmers in the Great Plains are in the middle of cutting their wheat crops. Even as more people bake during the pandemic, Harvest Public Media’s Seth Bodine reports some wheat farmers may need help to break even. ~~~ Helping Native Americans thrive is the mission of the Native American Development Center, and they recently received an important grant to assist in that effort. Bill Thomas visits with founder and executive director Lorraine Davis.

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