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Dr. Herbert Anderson


In 1900, a young Englishman named Herbert Anderson journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean to start a new life in North America. After studying medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College in Toronto, Anderson moved to Dickinson in 1907 and set up a veterinary hospital. Anderson, who eventually became an American citizen, faithfully served North Dakotan farmers and ranchers until his retirement at age 83.

In addition to his regular veterinary practice, the doctor served as a second lieutenant in the Veterinary Reserve Corps during WWI, a livestock appraiser for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration during the dirty thirties, and Assistant State Veterinarian. In 1961, Dr. Anderson was recognized at the 98th annual American Veterinary Medical Association's Convention when he was placed on the national organization's honor roll of 50-year members. He died on this date in 1964.

Dakota Datebook written by Carol Wilson


50 Years in the Saddle: Another Look at the Tail, vol. 2. Ed. Andrew Johnson. Austin: San Felipe Press, 1965. Pg. 289-297.