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Germans From Russia

  • On this date in 2000, the generous gift of half a million dollars by Roger Haas to the Germans from Russia Heritage Society was announced. Roger had come a long way from being a motherless farm boy who spoke German at home. Now a successful businessman in Portland, Oregon, Roger wanted to give back to the community he came from by honoring his roots.
  • Germans from Russia faced some rough hardships during the Bolshevik Revolution, including death. A song brings it back.
  • A traditional funeral song.
  • Germans from Russia talk about why their ancestors came.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen… Mylo Hatzenbuhler!On this date in 1994, came the debut of “I’m Big-Time Now!” a CD by Mylo Hatzenbuhler – who is known as the…
  • Folk songs sung in the Germans-from-Russia dialect continues in the heart and mind of traditionalists like 94-year old John Gross, patriarch of the Young…
  • Lawrence Welk was, in some ways, North Dakota’s first celebrity. The famous bandleader was born on his German-speaking family’s homestead near Strasburg…
  • Here are a couple of things that seem far apart, but in my mind, there is a connection.We are recently returned from a research expedition to the high dry…
  • My friend Ron Vossler, in Wishek, says some of his neighbors consider him a Judas. I think he is, rather, what is known historically as a…