A midstream natural gas company has applied to increase the capacity of a natural gas liquids pipeline in McKenzie and Dunn Counties.ONEOK has applied to…
North Dakota’s Industrial Commission has made some tweaks to its natural gas capture policy, while keeping the benchmarks for gas capture in place.The…
People in Hillsboro and Mayville could soon be able to heat their homes with natural gas.Dakota Natural Gas – a subsidiary of Greater Minnesota Gas – is…
North Dakota’s Mineral Resources director said he would like to tighten up the rules on natural gas capture – so that the state’s stated goal of 91…
The North Dakota Public Service Commission has approved a pipeline that will bring carbon dioxide from two natural gas plants in Wyoming to an oil field…
A pipeline company is awaiting federal approval of a plan to build 62 miles of natural gas pipeline in Williams, McKenzie, Mountrail and Burke…
Xcel Energy will pay a $12,000 fine for a natural gas leak that led to an explosion and fire at a Fargo senior living complex.That fire happened January…
North Dakota Mineral Resource director Lynn Helms believes the state will soon meet the Industrial Commission’s goals for natural gas capture.The goal was…
The Public Service Commission will hold a hearing in Williston on a proposal by ONEOK Bakken Pipeline to build a 75-mile-long, $100 million natural gas…
North Dakota's October oil and gas numbers are looking very good."It should be a very happy holiday for the state of North Dakota," said North Dakota…