"It's a starting point."That's how Sen. Ray Holmberg (R-Grand Forks), the chairman of the North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee, characterizes the…
Gov. Doug Burgum wants to see more collaboration among state agencies when it comes to building budgets.Next month, Burgum will release his budget…
The new director of the Office of Management and Budget had what he called "good news" for the Legislature's interim Government Finance Committee."I'm…
North Dakota likely has more of a budget cushion as the 2017-2019 biennium begins."When the Legislature left town, they anticipated that our ending…
A new report shows state revenues tracking very close to the December state revenue forecast.The numbers are running only about $171,000 behind…
Gov. Doug Burgum is proposing to slice another $159 million out of former Governor Dalrymple’s executive budget request.Burgum met with Legislative…
The chairman of the North Dakota Senate Appropriations Committee said it appears there will have to be further cuts to former Gov. Jack Dalrymple’s…
Gov budget Gov. Jack Dalrymple has given state lawmakers his last executive budget proposal.“It is roughly the equivalent of the budget in 2013-15,”…
Members of the state’s Advisory Council on Revenue Forecasting are urging Moody’s Analytics to use“caution” and “be conservative” in preparing the…
Gov. Jack Dalrymple has asked state agencies to submit reduced budgets for their 2017-2019 requests.It would be 90 percent of the budgets approved by the…