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  • The year was 1918, and the United States was heavily involved in the Great War -- World War One. To feed soldiers overseas, federal and state governments set limitations on the amount of certain foods Americans could eat at home. For example, North Dakotans had meatless Tuesdays. However, on this date, North Dakota’s food administrator Dr. E. F. Ladd changed that by announcing that all restrictions on meat would be lifted for 30 days.
  • On this date in 1909 the Golden Valley Chronicle warned that North Dakota farmers should be concerned about the Chicago Board of Trade. The newspaper…
  • The state Mill and Elevator had record profits in fiscal 2018.The mill made $14.2 million. That’s a 46 percent increase over the profit in fiscal 2017,…
  • 2016 is expected to be a challenging year for farm producers.Neal Fisher of the North Dakota Wheat Commission says this comes after a period of time of…