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Want Ad Wonders

The want ads have been a staple in newspapers for generations. The simple premise of posting sale items or help-wanted ads has continued in virtually every community. Today, those ads from the past provide a glimpse into the services, wages, and community, of the decades gone by. Here’s a sampling of Fargo Forum newspaper ads from this week in 1909:

For Sale, The best located ice cream and soda fountain business in this city. Best of reasons for selling.
Lost-Pocketbook containing about $55. Reward if returned to Forum office.

For Sale: Meat market; everything up to date, slaughter house windmill, and four acres fenced for yards. If interested, address the Nome Meat Market, Nome, ND.

For Rent: The finest horseshoeing shop in North Dakota: City of Fargo, all equipped. In connection with Carter’s veterinary hospital. Only sober men need apply.

Good law practice in live North Dakota town for sale for the price of library and furniture. A hustling young fellow can step into a live practice and make good quick.

Complete Moving Picture outfit. Powers Number 5 machine, chairs and electric light plant; 8 horse-power gasoline engine. Write for particulars. Casselton, ND.

Help Wanted: 50 More Young Men to learn telegraphy, at once. Positions guaranteed. Fargo School of Telegraphy.

Can furnish permanent employment to three educated Christian men. YMCA.

Help Wanted: Good girl for general housework. Modern house, power washing machine.
Wanted: Washwoman to do washing in her own home.

For Sale: A lady’s dyed Otter coat, size 38. Nearly as good as new. Too large for present owner. Will sell at a low, low price.

And finally, this date in November: Left overs. We have a good stock of assorted calendars left of our 1910 line, which we will sell at low prices. If you want calendars, send at once for samples and prices before the choice subjects are gone.

Dakota Datebook written by Steve Stark
Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Saturday evening edition, Nov. 20, 1909

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